đź‘‹ Wave goodbye to breaking changes

Orbital protects you from upstream changes by providing on-the-fly semantic integration to your API's and data sources.

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Decoupled integrations

Integrations that bend, not break

Orbital helps prevent production incidents by automatically adapting when your integration partners update their systems. Our unique semantic integration system means your queries keep running as expected regardless of irrelevant structural schema changes made by other systems.

Consumer-defined queries

Define your integrations based on the shape you want to receive it, instead of being at the mercy of how it's published.

CI / CD tooling

Integrate rich build time checks to ensure your queries are still compatible with your data producer's schemas.

Zero maintenance

When schemas are updated, your app isn't affected. Orbital updates the mappings on-the-fly to fulfill the queries you originally designed.

Enterprise integration
built for developers

Powerful enterprise integration features, redesigned to delight engineers and fit snugly in their existing tooling and workflows.

As well as protection from breaking changes, Orbital offers a complete set of features to change your integration game.

Orbital product screenshot
Universal microservices API
Let Orbital do the heavy lifting of stitching together data from your microservices ecosystem.
Full observability
See full traces of which systems were called as part of your query and what data was provided.
Inbuilt API and data catalogs
Explore the systems and data available to you with Orbital's auto-generated catalogs.

Frequently asked questions

Got another gnarly question? We'd love to hear it. Come and chat on Slack.

What's wrong with standard API versioning?
Change is inevitable, and API versioning has worked great for helping to manage different rates of change between producers and consumers of data. Producers can release new versions of their API when they need to and consumers have the flexibility to update when it's the right time for them.

The downside for both parties is that maintenance burden of keeping up with these changes. Producers need to maintain multiple version of their API in the codebase, including the mappings to their back end systems. Consumers need to schedule busy work that they didn't necessarily ask for and doesn't help achieve their goals but is required simply to keep their system running.
Do you really get rid of breaking changes?
Ok, you got us, we don't get rid of ALL breaking changes. We do prevent all types of structural, format, and protocol related changes. For example, if fields are renamed, or moved from a flat to a nested structure, then Orbital handles those without skipping a beat.

We don't store any data ourselves (and that'd introduce a whole other set of problems), so if data is completely removed so it's no longer available anywhere then we can't help.
What types of API's and data sources do you support?
We currently support multiple HTTP (REST) based schemas, including OpenAPI and older versions of Swagger, various databases and streaming sources such as Kafka.

Our architecture is designed to be easily extensible for creating connections to different data sources so if we don't have one you need, we can built it in quickly.
How can there be no maintenance?
Orbital lets your ask for data in the specific shape, or data model, that you want. We then handle the transformation between the way the data is provided by upstream systems and the shape you've defined.

That means when upstream systems change the way they're providing data, Orbital simply adjust the transformations it runs to fulfill your query.