Http Headers and Date Math


    Http Headers

    The @HttpHeader annotation now is now supported, for setting headers on HTTP requests.

    For example:

    service MyService {
      @HttpOperation(method = "GET", url = "...")
      // A fixed, static header
      @HttpHeader(name = "Consumes", value = "application/json")
      operation findPeople():Person[]
      // A header that's calculated
      operation findPeople(
         @HttpHeader(name = "If-Modified-Since") ifModifiedSince : Instant = addDays(now(),-7)

    You can also pass header values in using the given {} clause in a query:

    service MyService {
      operation findPeople(
         @HttpHeader(name = "Cache-Control", prefix = "max-age=") cacheMaxAge : CacheMaxAge
    // which is then invoked as:
    given { maxAge : CacheMaxAge = 64000 } 
    find { Person[] }

    Read more about it in our docs

    Date math

    The stdlib in Taxi has been expanded to add date math functions to the stdlib:

    • addMinutes
    • addDays
    • addSeconds
    • now
    • parseDate

    Read more about these in the Taxi docs