Cache Eviction support

    Changelog entry cover image

    Expiry for Cached Queries

    Orbital now honours HTTP cache headers on HTTP responses, when a cache is enabled for a query.

    As described in Caching Orbital provides ability to cache query results with @Cache annotation:

    @Cache(connection = "mycache")
    find { Film[] }

    Let assume that you have a rest end point returning list of films:

    service FilmServices {
      @HttpOperation(method = "GET", url = "...")
      operation listFilms():Film[]

    If your Rest operation returns Cache-Control header in its response, Orbital will take the max-age directive into account and expire the cached query result accordingly.

    Here as an example response with Cache-Control header:

    max-age=144004 will get Orbital to cache the Film list for 4 hours. After 4 hours, the items in the query cache will expire automatically.

    Grab the docs

    Read more about caching in our docs