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Universal data authorization

Powerful authorization policies follow your data, ensuring consistent protection everywhere your sensitive information flows.
Write-once, enforce-everywhere policies bind directly to your data types, not your systems,eliminating security gaps across your architecture.

Field level authorization

Field-level controls bind security policies directly to data types, ensuring consistent protection wherever sensitive data appears.

Regardless if DateOfBirth appears in your customer database or a Kafka topic, the same privacy rules follow the data automatically.

Policies as code

From simple role-based rules to complex data-driven logic, express your security requirements as code that travels with your data types.

Define once, automatically enforce everywhere.

Consistent, global auth

Define your policies once, and they’re automatically applied across Kafka, Lambda, databases, APIs, and more.

A simple git push updates everything consistently across your system.

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Use cases

Authorization for the real world

From masking PII data to enforcing team-based access across microservices - implement consistent authorization policies in minutes.

Policies are automatically applied across your databases, APIs, event streams, and caches.

Orbital aqua wormhole background image
Role based access controls

policy OnlyManagers against EmployeeInfo (user : User) -> {
   read {
      when {
         // Managers can see everything
         user.groups.contains('Manager') -> EmployeeInfo
         // Users can see everything except salary
         user.groups.contains('User') -> EmployeeInfo as {
            ... except { salary }
         // Everyone else gets an error
         else -> throw((NotAuthorizedError) { message: 'Not Authorized' })
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PII masking

// Define some PII
type FirstName inherits String, PII
type LastName inherits String, PII

// Now secure it
// Anything that serves PII data (API calls, db queries, kafka streams)
// has this policy applied against it
policy MaskPiiData against PII (user: User) -> {
  read {
    when {
      // Admins see everything:
      user.roles.contains('ADMIN') -> PII
      // ...otherwise mask it
      else -> concat(left(PII,3), '****')
Try this example in the playground

Role based Kafka streams

// The event
model StockTradeEvent {
  symbol : Symbol
  price: Price
  customerName : CustomerName

// A policy to secure it
policy FilterCustomerFromTrade against StockTradeEvent (user: User) -> {
  read {
    when {
      // Managers see everything
      user.roles.contains('MANAGER') -> StockTradeEvent
      // Everyone else has customer hidden
      else -> StockTradeEvent as { .... except { customerName }

// Now stream it securely
stream { StockTradeEvent }
Try this example in the playground

Context-based access control

// Access Control Policy
// Implements three-tier access:
// 1. Managers: Full access to all trade data
// 2. Restricted company trades: No access (filtered out)
// 3. Standard users: Limited access with hidden customer and quantity
policy FilterCustomerFromTrade against StockTradeEvent (
    trade: StockTradeEvent,
    user: User,
    sensitiveCompanies: SensitiveCompanyList
) -> {
  read {
    when {
      // TIER 1: Manager access - full visibility
      user.roles.contains('MANAGER') -> StockTradeEvent

      // TIER 2: Restricted company filter
      // Removes entire trade record if trading entity is classified
      sensitiveCompanies.companies.contains(trade.tradingEntity) -> null

      // TIER 3: Standard access
      // Shows trade but hides sensitive fields
      else -> StockTradeEvent as { ... except { tradingEntity, tradedQuantity } }
Try this example in the playground

Easily the best decision I've made was building our startup on Orbital. We got our platform built and operational in record time, with data pipelines and bespoke APIs for connecting our client data feeds.

The Orbital partnership was really easy. Their data platform made ingesting and performing complex data transformations simple.

The team were great to work with, and were able to quickly enhance the platform where required to suit our use case.

Frequently asked questions

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