Orbital aqua wormhole background image

Declarative API integration

Add tags to your APIs.
Use the same tags to query and mutate data.
Orbital builds and maintains integrations automatically.
No manual glue code. No breaking changes.

Traditional integration

  • Write custom code for each integration and pipeline
  • Repetitive work across projects
  • Breaks whenever systems change
  • Complex deployment and infrastructure to manage

With Orbital

  • Embed semantic tags in your APIs and schemas
  • Queries and mutate data using the same tags
  • Automatic updates as APIs evolve
  • Serverless deployments right from git


Effortless integration

Orbital's declarative language - TaxiQL - lets you focus on what you need to get done, rather than boilerplate glue code.

Beautiful, declarative orchestration

TaxiQL let's you describe orchestrations in a declarative, human-readable way.

Using the same tags embedded in your schemas, Orbital instantly creates even the most complex integrations

Learn more

Powerful developer tooling

Design, debug and iterate your integrations in our powerful browser editor.

Get fine-grained call tracing, end-to-end lineage and detailed observability data, so you can see exactly what's going on.

Powerful type checking for fewer errors

Taxi and TaxiQL provide end-to-end type safety across all your data sources, APIs and Kafka topics

Learn more about Taxi, our open source schema language

VS Code extension

Auto-completion, linting, formatting, and inline documentation helps developers build and ship directly from within VSCode

Install the Taxi VSCode extension

Use cases

Unify your whole stack

Connect any combination of APIs, databases, streams and batch sources without writing integration code. Orbital handles all the complexity - no resolvers, YAML mapping files, or integration code to maintain.

Keep your team shipping features, not building glue-ware.

Orbital aqua wormhole background image
Unify your APIs and data sources

// Send a query for data to Orbital,
// and it builds the integration on demand,
// using metadata embedded in your API specs
find { Movies(ReleaseYear > 2018)[] }
as {
   // Consumers define the schema they want.
   // Orbital works out where to fetch data from
   title : MovieTitle // .. read from a db
   review : ReviewScore // .. call a REST API to find this
   awards : AwardTitle[] // ... and a gRPC service to find this.

ETL pipelines

// Define simple schemas for CSV files, then
// read from S3, databases, or upload directly to Orbital
closed model InventoryReport {
  name: ProductName
  category: Category
  stock: StockLevel
  price: Price

Event streaming and enrichment

// A stream of data over Kafka
service FilmReviewUpdates {
    stream reviews: Stream<NewReviewSubmittedEvent>

// Stream data from Kafka, and enrich it
// from APIs:
stream { NewReviewSubmittedEvent } as {
    id: FilmId // From the event
    title : Title // Looked up from a DB
    reviews: Review[] // Fetched from an API call

Data Semantics unlocks your company's true data value, and Orbital makes it effortless.

Using Taxi & Orbital for our re-platforming project, we cut time to market from months to days and reduced operational resources by two-thirds.

If you're not using this solution yet, you're falling behind.

We delivered a critical project in weeks, not months, using a single developer instead of a team.

Also, our run costs are also much lower, as we're not running hundreds of integration microservices

Orbital has become a key part of our strategic architecture for the bank.


A unified API, for every tech stack.

Stitch your databases, queues, APIs and gRPC services together, without custom glue code.

Powered by Taxi - our open source metadata language - you can link multiple data sources, without needing a specialist adaptor

Frequently asked questions

Got another gnarly question? We'd love to hear it. Come and chat on Slack.

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