Managing data sources

Configuring connections


The connections.conf file defines connections for systems that Orbital understands how to connect to.

A connection is required for most - but not - all data sources (eg., Databases, AWS services, etc). HTTP connections (OpenAPI / SOAP, etc) are generally self-descriptive enough not to require additional metadata.

Declaring in your taxi project

Connections are defined in a connections.conf, which lives inside a taxi project within your workspace.

Inside your taxi.conf file in your project, declare where you’re keeping your config for Orbital.

By convention, this lives at orbital/config/connections.conf, but this is configurable.

name: com.myproject/demo
version: 0.1.0
sourceRoot: src/
 additionalSources: {
     "@orbital/config" : "orbital/config/*.conf"   

Your connections config file is a HOCON file, specifying how to connect to various resources.

For example:

jdbc {
  orders {
    connectionName = orders
    connectionParameters {
      database = ordersdb
      host = localhost
      username = martypitt
      password = ${superSecretPassword}
      port = 5432

    jdbcDriver = POSTGRES

Using environment variables

Environment variables can be used in configuring connections. For example, you may wish to:

  • Provide secrets via environment variables
  • Parameterize topic names or table names between environments

In configuration files

It may not always be desirable to specify sensitive connection information directly in the config file - especially if these are being checked into source control.

Environment variables can be used anywhere in the config file, following the HOCON standards.

For example:

jdbc {
   another-connection {
      connectionName = another-connection
      jdbcDriver = POSTGRES 
      connectionParameters {
         // .. other params omitted for bevity ..
         password = ${postgres_password} // Reads the environment variable "postgres_password"

See also...

Also check out Managing Secrets to see how to securely manage sensitive information in your connections

Correctly handling substitutions in Urls

Substitution of variable inside a Url using Hocon can be tricky.

In short, here’s how substitutions need to be defined:

query-server {
   // The Url has specifal characters (:), so needs to be inside of quotes.
   // However, variable substitution doesn't work inside of quotes,
   // so the variable must be outside of quotes.

For more information, see this issue in the Hocon library

In annotations

You can use environment variables in any annotations, to allow you to parameterize things like topic names, or table names between environments.

Any annotation used in a Taxi schema may use environment variables. Environment variables are defined ${LikeThis} within the string.

For example:

@KafkaService( connectionName = "market-prices" )
service MyKafkaService {

   @KafkaOperation( topic = "${STOCK_PRICES_TOPIC}", offset = "earliest" )
   stream streamStockPrices():Stream<StockPrice>

Compilation errors

Orbital enables the substitution of environment variables in annotations, which is not supported by the standard Taxi compiler.

Annotations that reference environment variables can be included without needing the variables to be defined when compiling Taxi projects in CI/CD environments or within VSCode.

However, in the Orbital environment, any annotation that references an environment variable must have that variable defined on the Orbital server. Otherwise, an undefined environment variable will trigger a compilation error.

Database connections

Database connections are defined under the jdbc element within the connections.conf file.

jdbc { // The root element for database connections
   another-connection { // Defines a connection called "another-connection"
      connectionName = another-connection // The name of the connection.  Must match the key used above.
      jdbcDriver = POSTGRES // Defines the driver to use.  See below for the possible options
      connectionParameters { // A list of connection parameters.  The actual values here are defined by the driver selected.
         database = transactions // The name of the database
         host = our-db-server // The host of the database
         password = super-secret // The password
         port = "2003" // The port
         username = jack // The username to connect with

Supported drivers


To configure a Postgres connection, specify jdbcDriver = POSTGRES

Connection parameters are as follows:

Parameter nameDescription
hostThe host address of the Postgres database
portThe port to connect to. Defaults to 5432
databaseThe name of the database on the postgres server
usernameOptional. The username to use when connecting
passwordOptional. The password to use when connecting


jdbc { // The root element for database connections
   another-connection { // Defines a connection called "another-connection"
      connectionName = another-connection // The name of the connection.  Must match the key used above.
      jdbcDriver = POSTGRES // Defines the driver to use.  See below for the possible options
      connectionParameters { // A list of connection parameters.  The actual values here are defined by the driver selected.
         database = transactions // The name of the database
         host = our-db-server // The host of the database
         password = super-secret // The password
         port = "2003" // The port
         username = jack // The username to connect with


To configure a MySql connection, specify jdbcDriver = MYSQL

Connection parameters are as follows:

Parameter nameDescription
hostThe host address of the MySQL database
portThe port to connect to. Defaults to 3306
databaseThe name of the database on the MySql server
usernameOptional. The username to use when connecting
passwordOptional. The password to use when connecting


jdbc {
    mysql-docker {
        connectionParameters {

MSSQL Server

To configure a Postgres connection, specify jdbcDriver = MSSQL

Connection parameters are as follows:

Parameter nameDescription
hostThe host address of the MSSQL database
portThe port to connect to. Defaults to 1443
databaseThe name of the database on the MS SQL server
usernameOptional. The username to use when connecting
passwordOptional. The password to use when connecting
schemaOptional. The schema to use - defaults to dbo
trustServerCertificateOptional. Forces Orbital to trust the certificate that’s provided by the SQL Server. Defaults to true
encryptOptional. Defines if the connection to MSSQL server should be encrypted. Defaults to true


jdbc {
    sqlServerConnection {
        connectionParameters {


To configure a Postgres connection, specify jdbcDriver = REDSHIFT

Connection parameters are as follows:

Parameter nameDescription
hostThe host address of the Redshift database
portThe port to connect to. Defaults to 5439
databaseThe name of the database on the Redshift server
usernameOptional. The username to use when connecting
passwordOptional. The password to use when connecting


jdbc { // The root element for database connections
   another-connection { // Defines a connection called "another-connection"
      connectionName = another-connection // The name of the connection.  Must match the key used above.
      jdbcDriver = REDSHIFT // Defines the driver to use.  See below for the possible options
      connectionParameters { // A list of connection parameters.  The actual values here are defined by the driver selected.
         database = transactions // The name of the database
         host = our-db-server // The host of the database
         password = super-secret // The password
         port = "2003" // The port
         username = jack // The username to connect with


To configure a Postgres connection, specify jdbcDriver = SNOWFLAKE

Connection parameters are as follows:

Parameter nameDescription
accountThe name of the Snowflake account
schemaThe name of the schema to connect to
dbThe name of the database to connect to
warehouseThe name of the warehouse where the snowflake db exists
usernameThe username to use when connecting
passwordThe password to use when connecting
roleThe role to specify when connecting


jdbc { // The root element for database connections
   another-connection { // Defines a connection called "another-connection"
      connectionName = another-connection // The name of the connection.  Must match the key used above.
      jdbcDriver = SNOWFLAKE // Defines the driver to use.  See below for the possible options
      connectionParameters { // A list of connection parameters.  The actual values here are defined by the driver selected.
        account =
        schema = public
        db = demo_db
        warehouse = COMPUTE_WH
        schema = public
        role = QUERY_RUNNER

Kafka connections

Read about defining Kafka connections in the dedicated documentation for Kafka

AWS connections

AWS connections are stored under the aws element.

Orbital uses AWS connections for example to connect to SQS for data pipelines and other services as part of query execution.

Orbital will use the AWS default credentials provider by default. This means you can configure the access credentials and region with environment variables (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY & AWS_DEFAULT_REGION). When running Orbital in AWS (e.g. ECS) it’ll also automatically pick up the role used to run the service and use that.

You can also configure the AWS connections manually which can be useful in cases where you need to connect to various different AWS accounts from a single installation of Orbital. As with all other config file value, you can either set the value explicitly, or read from an environment variable (as shown).

aws {
    my-aws-account {
        // Optional Parameter. When not provided Orbital will use the [AWS default credentials provider]( by default.
        // Optional Parameter. When not provided Orbital will use the [AWS default credentials provider]( by default.
        // Mandatory
        // Optional parameter for development and testing purposes to point to a different endpoint such as a LocalStack installation.

Testing with Localstack

You can point Orbital at an AWS mock running on Localstack by specifying the endPointOverride property in the connection.

Mongo Connections

Read about defining Mongo connections in the dedicated documentation for Mongo

Hazelcast Connections

Read about defining Hazelcast connections in the dedicated documentation for Hazelcast

Reading projects from disk
Authenticating to other services